September 14, 2017
Herschel Week, 18-22 September 2017
In this issue
1. Announcement of Herschel Week, 18-22 September 2017

In parallel, we will be running a social media campaign to celebrate the mission by sharing memorable moments and personal memories: stories, anecdotes, where you watched the launch, photos of conferences, talks, thesis defences and other events, and of course your most treasured astronomical images and data from the observatory.
Therefore, we would like to invite you to share your favourite memories linked to the mission, either directly, if you have a social-media presence on Twitter, Facebook and/or Instagram, or by inviting your colleagues and students who are active on any of these channels to join and celebrate Herschel.
The campaign will be launched on Monday 18 September and run throughout the week via the @esascience Twitter account, and supported by the @esa Twitter account, the European Space Agency Facebook page, and the @europeanspaceagency Instagram account.
On these channels, we will use the hashtag #HerschelMoments, but we kindly ask you not to use it before Monday 18 September.
Many thanks for participating in the celebration of this extraordinary mission and its legacy, to which you have all greatly contributed.
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