NHSC eNews #71: SPG 14.0.1 Products at IRSA; IPAC Visiting Graduate Research Fellowships; Meetings of Interest
In this issue
- Version 14.0.1 products available from IRSA
- Release of HSA 7.5
- IPAC Visiting Graduate Research Fellowships
- Conferences and workshops of interest to Herschel users
1. Version 14.0.1 products available from IRSA

The Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) at IPAC is providing Standard Product Generation (SPG) 14.0.1 data products from the Herschel Science Archive, via the Herschel Data Search. This IRSA interface includes high-fidelity footprints for observations, allowing for more accurate searches for data for specific targets or regions of the sky.
As a reminder, the highlights of SPG 14.0.1 include:
- for HIFI, sideband ratios in bands 1 to 4 have been updated - note that this implies changes in the intensities in all concerned bands; a new calibration output provides a frequency-dependent intensity calibration uncertainty budget;
- for PACS, new spectroscopy calibration for extended sources, using a new beam calibration and background model; new level 2.5 photometry products for solar system objects and new level 2.5 spectroscopy products combining off- and on-positions and new level 3 products combining several observations of the same target for pointed chop-nod spectroscopic observations taken in SED mode;
- for SPIRE, extended source calibrated spectra are now corrected for the far-field feedhorn efficiency, leading to systematic ~40% higher intensities fpr SSW and ~40-100% for SLW; all extended source calibration products - spectra or spectral cubes - are affected by this effect significantly; with this correction the SPIRE photometer and spectrometer products are now in good agreement.
A list of known issues affecting data products generated with HCSS/HIPE 14.0 can be found at http://herschel.esac.esa.int/twiki/bin/view/Public/DpKnownIssues .
The Herschel Science Centre in Madrid released in April a new version (v7.5) of the Herschel Science Archive (HSA), which can be accessed at:
This new version is mainly devoted to the Registry of Herschel products in the Virtual Observatory (VO), but it also includes:
- The possibility to open the Standalone Browse Products with VO tools (like Aladin, VOSpec, CASSIS...) by right-clicking on the postcard;
- Further fixes affecting the interaction with the Operational Data Processing system and correction of various minor bugs found in previous versions.
A patch version (v7.5.1) was installed in June, to fix a minor problem with the visualization of the standalone browse products associated with some PACS spectroscopic observations with VOSpec.
For more details, see the latest HSA News.
3. IPAC Visiting Graduate Research Fellowships
The Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC) at Caltech announces the availability of six-month graduate student fellowships. The program is designed to allow students from other U.S. or international institutions to visit IPAC-Caltech and perform astronomical research in close association with an IPAC scientist. Eligible applicants are expected to have completed preliminary course work in their graduate program and be available for research during the period of the award. Funding from IPAC will be provided for a 6-month period via monthly stipends, plus relocation expenses. Several students are expected to be accepted each year, subject to the availability of funding. Students are expected to be at IPAC during the duration of the Fellowship, nominally January to July, with some flexibility on the starting and ending dates.
The call for 2017 applications is open, please submit your applications. Applications are due by August 30 2016.
Please follow the application instructions at: http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/page/GraduateFellowship2017 .
4. Conferences and workshops of interest to Herschel users
- Crossing the Rubicon: the fate of gas flows in galaxies - Santarcangelo di Romagna, Italy, 5-9 September 2016
- MODEST-16 NYC: The Interplay Between Gas and Gravitational Dynamics - New York, NY, USA, 6-9 September 2016
- Half a Decade of ALMA: Cosmic Dawns Transformed - Indian Wells, CA, USA, 19-22 September 2016
- The Milky Way as a Star Formation Engine - Rome, Italy, 26-30 September 2016
- The Local Truth: Star-Formation and Feedback in the SOFIA Era - Celebrating 50 Years of Airborne Astronomy - Asilomar, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, 17-20 October 2016
- The galaxy life-cycle. From activity to quiescence, and back, across cosmic times - Venice, Italy, 24-28 October 2016
- SMA Science in the Next Decade - Taipei, Taiwan, 27-28 October 2016
- Stellar aggregates over mass and spatial scales - Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany, 5-9 December 2016
- The hydride toolbox - Paris, France, 12-15 December 2016
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