Highly Processed HIFI 1410-1910 GHz Spectral Maps Available; Update on Herschel Data Products available via IRSA; Origins Space Telescope; Francesco's Legacy
In this issue
- Highly Processed HIFI 1410-1910 GHz Spectral Maps Available
- Update on Herschel Data Products available via IRSA
- The Origins Space Telescope Mission Study
- Francesco's Legacy: Star Formation in Space and Time
1. Highly Processed HIFI 1410-1910 GHz Spectral Maps Available from the Herschel Science Centre and IPAC/IRSA
Spectral mapping observations taken with Herschel/HIFI in Bands 6 and 7 (1410-1910 GHz) have been processed to highest fidelity using the final pipeline (v14.1.0) and calibrations, and interactive methods to most effectively treat baseline artifacts, co-add data, and optimize spectral cube gridding. These Highly Processed Data Products (HPDPs) provide the community interested in very high velocity resolution maps at these frequencies, covering [C II], [N II], high-J level CO and hot water transitions, with the nearest-possible-to-science-ready advanced data products without requiring HIPE. The products include the spectral cubes, spectral averages, and integrated line intensity maps in FITS format for ~450 science and calibration observations, as well as improved browse images to more readily reveal the scientific potential of the high-quality maps, which may have been missed by the original program investigators. The products are available for download as zipped tar archives at the Herschel Science Centre's HPDP webpage, and can be also be browsed and downloaded on an observation basis from the NASA Infrared Science Archive (IRSA).
2. Update on Herschel Data Products available via IRSA

IRSA at IPAC provides access to data products from the Herschel Science Archive (HSA), via the Herschel Data Search (HDS). The HDS is currently pointing to products generated with Standard Product Generation (SPG) version 14.0. Data generated with a more recent version, 14.2.1, are currently available by accessing them directly via the HSA. However, IRSA is planning to provide access to final products from 14.2.2 in early 2017. We will notify users in an upcoming Newsletter.
3. The Origins Space Telescope Mission Study

4. Francesco's Legacy: Star Formation in Space and Time
We draw your attention to a conference, 2017 June 5-9 at the Instituto degli Innocenti in Firenze, Italy, dedicated to the memory of Francesco Palla (1954-2016). As a scientist, Francesco left behind a broad and profound legacy in studies of the interstellar medium, young stellar clusters, and protostellar evolution now and in the primordial Universe. The goal of this conference is to gather observational and theoretical experts in the various aspects of the star formation process addressed by Francesco in his career, to outline the advances in these studies and the prospects for future developments. The following topics will be covered: The evolution of molecular clouds; protostellar and pre-main sequence evolution; young stellar clusters; and, the first stars. The announcement of the conference is available on the web page, http://www.arcetri.astro.it/sfst2017/. If you are interested in attending, please pre-register following the link on the conference website.
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