Space Observatory

An ESA Mission
with Participation from NASA

May 1, 2015

NHSC eNews #67: What's New in HIPE 13.0 for SPIRE


In this issue

  1. SPIRE Webinar: What's New in HIPE 13, May 19, 2015
  2. Releases of HIPE 13.0 and Herschel Science Archive (HSA) 6.2
  3. Far-Infrared Community Workshop, 3 - 5 June 2015, Pasadena
  4. Conferences and workshops of interest to Herschel users

1. SPIRE Webinar: What's New in HIPE 13, May 19th 2015, 10:00-11:30 AM PDT

This webinar covers the most important improvements in SPIRE data processing coming with the recent HIPE 13 release. After introductory presentations, there will be time for an extended question-and-answer session for any issues that participants would like to bring up.

Highlights include a new multi-pass photometer pipeline for improved deglitching and more accurate beam profiles, and for the spectrometer, significantly better spectra due to an updated linearization correction as well as a more user friendly product structure inside observation contexts, etc.

More information is available at the SPIRE news page.

2. Releases of HIPE 13.0 and Herschel Science Archive (HSA) 6.2

Version 13.0 of the Herschel Interactive Processing Environment (HIPE) is now available for download. In addition to the improvements to SPIRE mentioned above, highlights include better handling of telescope jitter in the pointing reconstruction; a (Ta*) calibrated OFF position spectrum for each HIFI observation, and new spectral scan products with expert calibration tables for artifact flagging and treatment; the addition of Unimap for PACS photometry; and PACS spectral cubes with evenly spaced wavelengths. For information about "What's New in HIPE 13.0" you can visit: http://herschel.esac.esa.int/twiki/bin/view/Public/HipeWhatsNew13x#Highlights.

Version 6.2 of the HSA offers the possibility to perform more refined queries on instrument-specific observational parameters like band, wavelength, filter, map size, etc. through the "Instruments Advanced Query Panel". These queries are performed via four dedicated tabs, one for each sub-instrument mode: HIFI, PACS Photometry, PACS Spectroscopy, SPIRE Photometry and SPIRE Spectroscopy. In addition, a "Pipeline Processing Query Panel" allows queries by SPG (data processing) version, processing level reached (from 'created' to 'level3') or Quality Control status (Failed/Passed/Pending). The new version can be accessed from the HSA webpage.

3. Far-Infrared Community Workshop, 3 - 5 June 2015, Pasadena

Registration is still open for the Far-IR Surveyor Workshop, to be held 3-5 June on the Caltech campus. The purpose of the workshop is to develop a coherent community response to NASA as its Astrophysics Division considers whether to study a "Far-IR Surveyor" mission, preparing it for consideration by the next Decadal Survey. Workshop participants will develop the science rationale for the "Far-IR Surveyor" and decide which mission architecture best provides the essential measurement capabilities at an affordable cost.

Please register by May 1st at http://conference.ipac.caltech.edu/firsurveyor.


4. Conferences and workshops of interest to Herschel users

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